Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Justin Enriquez
Brit. Lit./Comp.
Blog on “Using your previous Blog entry, explain whether your inference was
confirmed or not. What was incorrect and why? What was correct and why?”
25 November 2013
Right or Wrong?
            Using my previous blog entry, my inference has been confirmed. Last blog entry I inferred that Kurtz would end up disappointing Marlow. My inference has been confirmed due to Marlow finally encountering Kurtz and experiencing his true nature. In one of the events Marlow witnesses the true nature of Kurtz when the Russian is showing Marlow around and Marlow realizes the evil surroundings he is in the presence of. In this instance, Marlow witnesses these “round knobs” in which were actually heads on sticks. These “round knobs” are explained to Marlow as consequences that have occurred as a result of rebels. Marlow is disgusted by these ornamental heads on sticks that Kurtz feels is a required action to prove that he is the supreme power. 
            I also inferred in my last blog entry that Conrad was setting the reader up for a revealing moment in which he will make us realize how in every one of the persons we look up to there is a heart of darkness rooted deep inside their being. In Marlow’s perspective, he realizes that his once infatuation towards Kurtz has now been an utter disappointment due to the brutality Kurtz shows too many of his subjects. Marlow is disgusted with the distances Kurtz takes in order to attain ivory. Kurtz would kill any rebels who stood in his way as seen as the time Marlow witnesses the so-called ornamental figures in which Kurtz had decorated his place with due to the decisions rebels made.
            Therefore, my inferences were correct both in which I stated Kurtz would disappoint Marlow and Conrad setting up the reader for a realization of what and where the heart of darkness is. From Marlow witnessing the brutality of Kurtz to readers realizing that in each and every one of us there is a heart of darkness present both my inferences have been proved correct.

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