Friday, November 29, 2013

Justin Enriquez
Brit. Lit./Comp.
Blog on “Compare 2 essays about HOD ”
26 November 2013
Conrad V. Achebe
The hidden details found in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad is what makes the novel the 67th of the hundred best novels in English of the 20th century. Achebe in his analysis talks about the underlying theme of civilized versus savagery throughout the duration of the novel. This is seen especially when it comes to the ivory traders desire to eliminate the natives that refuse to cooperate and circum to their power. The inspiration for Heart of darkness actually originated from Conrad’s experiences as a captain of a steamer from the Belgium trading company. Of course, Heart of Darkness is a fictional novel based on the hypocrisy of imperialism, however, the historical background present in it is real

Achebe’s “An Image of Africa” and Conrad’s “Conrad in the Congo” gives us insight into the themes and historical context within the novel. The historical context of Heart of Darkness puts us in the situation of those that have actually traveled in the Congo, just like Joseph Conrad. Conrad worked for the Belgium trading company for three years as a steamboat captain in search of ivory. Chinua Achebe is an expert in African literature and history, which is seen in his explicit and clear analysis of the hidden theme of racism within the novel. He argues that the “companies workers treatment and opinion of the natives is a clear reason of the division between the two worlds of this time period. In conclusion, Achebe is emphasizing on the white vs black and civil vs savage .which is also what he is arguing as the true meaning of Heart of Darkness.

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